"Vengo de la caña de azúcar y la sal del mar."
Artist Statement
Born on Hispaniola, one island divided into two nations, I have always been witnessing a sense of separation, a feeling of not belonging to a family, a society, or even a physical body. Eventually, I understood that this feeling is common to the human experience.
We are all searching for security in a constantly changing world, forever longing for belonging. My art emerges from this universal desire to make things whole again, especially to bridge our daily existence with Divine Reality.
I see myself as an intuitive instrument from where art is born, allowing that which needs to be expressed come forward, without being the owner of my creations.
Nevertheless, these creations pass through the kaleidoscope of my life, emerging from the unexpected death of my mother and influenced by the nature of the relationships that surround me.
From the darkness of loss to the reverence for mother earth as love itself, these are the sources of my inspiration.
Amelia Amell is a Multidisciplinary Visual Artist born in the Dominican Republic.
She began her Fine Arts studies at the age of fourteen studying under the guidance of Alberto Bass. After earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Advertising, Amelia continued her studies in Spain receiving a Master’s Degree in Multimedia Communication. She moved to the United States to pursue her artistic ambition and work as an accomplished graphic designer and art director.
She then pursued the study of Spiritual Psychology in Santa Monica, CA, where she solidified her work of art as a bridge between our daily existence and Divine Reality.
Informed by lengthy studies of love, creation, and spirit, she uncovers the wondrous worlds of inner Reality as truths that define our outer world.
Amelia works in multiple forms including painting, drawing, installation art and digital art. She lives and creates in San Diego, California. She is the proud recipient of the 2019 Arts For L.A. Cultural Policy Fellowship.
2019 Duo exhibition, Two by Two: Stories Beneath the Surface, Manhattan Beach Art Center, Manhattan Beach, CA
2019 Group show, Are You Thinking What I AM Thinking?, Palos Verdes, CA
2017 Group show, Pop-Up Art Show, Manhattan Beach Art Center, Manhattan Beach, CA
2011 The Sketch-Book Project, Brooklyn Art Library, Brooklyn, NY
2009 West Hollywood Book Fair, West Hollywood, CA
1999 Solo exhibit, Psico-911, Benetton Café, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
2022 Time Travelers of The Dawn, Book of poems by Shazara Bloomfield. Illustrated by Amelia Amell
2019 Cultural Policy Fellow, Arts for LA, Los Angeles, CA